If Statements
If statements allow us to evaluate whether or not things are true, and if they are true execute some code.
Boolean values are True or False, and represent exactly that. For example, we get True, then false for the below code. == is the representation of “is the left equal to the right?”
We use != for the opposite, not equal to. > corresponds to greater than, and < corresponds to less than.
Now, let’s see how the if statement works. Like many other things, it uses indentation for any code that is counted as being in it.
if 6 < 5:
print("6 is less than 5")
if 6>5:
print("6 is greater than 5")
Notice only the second line gets printed. Now we also can use elif which means if the previous if statement is true than test this one, and we can also use else which means if the if statement or elif statement before this was false then execute the below code.
if 6 < 5:
print("6 is less than 5")
elif 6==5:
print("6 is equal to 5")
print("6 is greater than 5")