Finance and Python
What is
FinanceAndPython is a completely free website meant to teach both finance concepts and python concepts at the same time.
About Us
Finance and Python is a website that teaches both python and finance through a “learning by doing” model. First, the actual concepts are worked through and explained. After the concepts have been covered, the next step of the process is turning the concept to practical python code. The user is guided through both of these parts, but is also presented with challenges in each lesson that give an opportunity to try things out for oneself first. On the next page a solution is presented and explained. The python courses are meant to teach only important python concepts, whereas the other course categories are meant to showcase how to use python in each of these areas. No finance/economics/math concepts will be discussed in the python courses, but in these three categories python concepts will be expanded on further. These courses are presented for free, under the assumption users will not duplicate or copy them without express permission from the author. The author of this website, Sean McOwen, also has taught a course on alternative data in finance which can be found hereSupport FinanceAndPython:
Are these courses free?
Yes, these courses are presented for free, under the assumption users will not duplicate or copy them without express permission from the author.
Does it matter if I don’t know anything about finance/python?
These courses start at an absolute beginner level for both python and finance. It assumes no knowledge of either.
Do I need to do lessons in any order?
It is highly recommended to do specific lessons in order, all of these lessons build on each other. Also, explanations from earlier lessons won’t always be repeated.
Do I need to do courses in any order?
Higher level courses assume the knowledge from previous courses. Additionally, the programming becomes more intense/complicated as the courses progress, so it is highly recommended not to do courses out of order.
Can I help/support at all?
Currently, the biggest issue is the user base is very small that uses the website. Sharing on social media or sending to friends who might benefit is the number one thing you can do to help! Feedback is also very helpful. If you want to donate to the website there is a link to the left.
Recommended Beginner Course Progressions
Financial Analyst
Course Curriculum
Featured Courses
Learn the skills to integrate python with finance today!